Typically, funds will clear into the recipient bank account the following business day. We aim to get the funds there as soon as possible. If you make your transfer on a weekend, you will need to wait until the following business day for the funds to transfer. You are, however, able to lock in your FX rate at the time you use our service.
Of course. You can log in (https://login.vip-360.com/login) to your profile and see how the transaction is progressing.
Don’t panic. Our customer service team (supportUK@vip-360.com ) is available and will work with you to solve the issue. Sometime people may accidentally provide the wrong documents, however dont panic, because our dedicated support team are available to assist you and resolve any issues. Sometimes there may be a slight delay. We track your funds at each step of the process allowing us to ensure the payment is delivered as quickly as possible.
Yes. You will be asked to provide identification documents. All information can be simply and securely uploaded to our portal where they are rapidly verified, allowing you to transfer your funds. Additional information may be requested occasionally, when VIP360 deems it necessary to activate your partnership with us.
Your funds are transferred securely and immediately via the relevant national or international payment systems. In the event that there is an issue with your payment transaction. VIP will return the funds directly to your account until such time that the funds can be remitted to the beneficiary.
All your questions answered in one place
VIP Payments Ltd, registered in England and Wales no. 09841893 as a Small Payment Institution with the Financial Conduct Authority no. 750503, of 39 Fitzroy Square, London, W1T 6EZ, UK. VIP Payments is a member of the BLK Financial Group.
© Copyright 2024 VIP Payments (operating under the brand VIP360). All rights reserved.